Change text on book room page
How do I change the text 'All rooms sold out!' on the room booking page?
I have searched all files for this text string and searched translations but cannot find it, I'm guessing it made up from different of text.
many thanks
Open the admin panel and navigate to "Localization -> Translations" tab. Screenshot
Under "MODIFY TRANSLATIONS" section Choose these options-
- Type of translation: Front office translation
- Select your theme which you are using. For example: hotel-reservation-theme
- Select the language in which you want the translation. screenshot
Click on "Modify"
Search for the text you want to translate and modify the text as per your requirements. screenshot
Save the translation, and the changes will be displayed at the front office.
@Aman-deep-sharma I already did this and that text is not there...
I searched all files within the site and that text is not there, where is it coming from?
Text is coming from the file path: QloApps/themes/hotel-reservation-theme/_partials/booking-form.tpl
Also refer to the screenshot
Thank you for your help.
I changed the text in hotel-reservation-theme>partials>booking-form.tpl but it had no effect. When I changed the text back to the default text and added a translation it worked.