The error message is wrong when set up the new install
When set up the new install, the upload_max_filesize value in the php.ini file less than 16M, but the error message is displaying for memory_limit. I had spent prety much time to detect it. Should update this message.
Thank you!
@duongledong4 Please share the screenshot of the error with us so that we can understand where the error is exactly coming.
@Faiz Unfortunately, I don't have the screenshot at the momment, but when you set up this application, at the step:
Hosted Server Configurations
In the PHP configuration ask your provider to set memory_limit to “128M”, upload_max_filesize to “16M” and max_execution_time to “500”You can see it
@duongledong4 Thank you for bringing the issue in our notice. We will surely resolve it.
Go to php.ini and set both memory_limit and upload_max_filesize to 128 or 256. I think the installation check for memory_limit in upload_max_filesize value.